A podcast can help a small business grow by providing a platform to showcase expertise, build brand authority, and engage with a targeted audience. It allows businesses to share valuable content, insights, and industry knowledge, positioning them as thought leaders. By consistently delivering valuable and entertaining episodes, businesses can attract and retain a loyal audience, which can lead to increased brand recognition, customer trust, and ultimately, business growth. Additionally, podcasts offer opportunities for collaborations, networking, and monetization, further expanding the reach and impact of the business. Overall, a podcast can be a powerful tool for small businesses to connect with their audience and drive growth.

A podcast won’t be right for every business, but if you happen to be in a niche where people ask you all kinds of questions before they make a purchase, then a podcast might be right for you.

To use a podcast to market your small business, follow these steps:

  1. Define your podcast’s purpose: Determine how your podcast will align with your business goals. Will it be educational, entertaining, or a combination? Identify your target audience and the value you want to provide. Most small businesses have a LOT they can teach, and the world is changing fast enough that you will never run out of things to explain again in six months.
  2. Plan your content: Create a content strategy that revolves around your business niche. Choose topics that are relevant to your audience and showcase your expertise. Plan episodes in advance to maintain consistency. Always have at least ten episode ideas in the hopper.  It’s a lot easier than you think, once you realize an episode only needs to be 10-20 minutes long. One question can have you talking the whole time. Organize your thoughts, though.  Be respectful. Don’t waste your listener’s time.
  3. Set up your podcast: Invest in reasonable quality podcasting equipment, such as a microphone and headphones. Seriously, you’re looking at about a hundred dollars. Choose a podcast hosting platform, like Spotify, to publish and distribute your episodes to various podcast directories. I personally LOVE Spotify because it makes uploading and editing a dream. And once you’re there, you can then have THEM publish it to Apple Podcasts for you. Easy peasy eggs and cheesy.
  4. Create engaging episodes: Structure your episodes with an introduction, main content, and a call to action. Invite guests or experts in your industry to bring diversity and fresh perspectives. Keep episodes informative, entertaining, and valuable to your listeners. It’s better to have an excellent, value-packed ten minute podcast recorded on your iPhone than a masterfully produced 1-hour show with awesome editing, great music, and perfect audio that doesn’t hold your audience’s interest.
  5. Promote your podcast: Utilize your existing marketing channels, such as your website, social media, and email list, to promote your podcast. Encourage listeners to subscribe, leave reviews, and share episodes with their networks. This is HUGE. Don’t forget to promote yourself before and after your program. I saw one YouTuber launch her subscribership through the roof… after five years… just by remembering to ASK for it at the end of every episode.  It’s dumb, but if you don’t ask, people literally will not think to do it on their own.
  6. Collaborate with influencers: Reach out to influencers or industry experts who align with your podcast’s theme. Invite them as guests or ask for shoutouts to expand your reach and gain credibility. A plumber doesn’t need to have other plumbers as guests. General contractors or electricians can bring HUGE value to your program. Do you sell shoes? Bring in an expert on socks! The sky’s the limit.
  7. Engage with your audience: Encourage listeners to interact by asking for feedback, questions, or topic suggestions. Respond to comments and messages promptly to build a community around your podcast and business. Tell them about upcoming events and specials… but don’t make the whole podcast about sale announcements. Keep it 95% about information they might need to make a smart purchase.
  8. Monetize your podcast: Explore monetization options, such as sponsorships, affiliate marketing, or offering premium content or merchandise. As a business owner, you may have suppliers or vendors that will give you co-op dollars to highlight their product. But you have to ensure that any promotions align with your brand and provide value to your audience.Remember, consistency and quality are key to building a successful podcast. Stay committed, continuously improve your content, and adapt your strategy based on listener feedback and analytics. But most importantly, BE YOURSELF! People don’t buy from businesses. They buy from a personality… either YOURS or the BUSINESS’S.  But if you are going to be the voice they hear, make sure YOU are conveying the very best version of your genuine self, and make sure it is reflected in their experience when they walk through your showroom doors.