One Shot Is All It Takes

When you get your message right, your best customer will recognize it immediately… and respond.

motion attracts attention

emotion attracts customers

The best marketing captures the emotion of a satisfied customer. Sure, there are advertising messages that make you feel “things”, but when you get your messaging right, your customers will feel what it’s like to finally have their concerns heard and their problem solved. Whether it’s a better fitting hiking boot, a minor household repair, or getting in shape in time for their high school reunion, your customers need to know they will feel right when you’re done helping them.

Lets get serious about attracting customers instead of clicks.

Clicks or Customers?

While getting clicks can increase traffic to your website, it doesn’t necessarily translate to conversions or loyal customers. Clicks may indicate initial interest, but the ultimate goal is to convert those clicks into actual customers who make purchases or engage with your brand long-term. Focusing on quality over quantity is key; targeting the right audience with Golden Bullet messaging can lead to higher conversion rates and a more valuable customer base. By prioritizing strategies that move beyond just generating clicks to nurturing relationships and driving conversions, you business can achieve long-term success and sustainable growth.

Your suppliers don’t accept clicks for payment of invoices, so let’s get serious.

Why a Golden Bullet?

TV, Radio, Social Media, Magazines… ah, to be a Fortune 500 company and have the resources to do it all!

But that’s not your reality.

You’re running your marketing program on a limited budget. You don’t have a bajillion dollars to throw at someone’s Facebook wall to see what sticks. 

You have the funds for one shot. 

Make it count.

Golden Bullet Marketing puts your most valuable message in the right place… center target!

The Golden Bullet Process

Based on over four decades of working with small business owners, I can say with some certainty that we have to change what you think about your business, and get you more focused to what you know about your customers. We do that with our own set of surveys, questionnaires, and feedback forms that make you dig deep and think hard. 

Based on the most recent research about long-term business success, my team will help you understand why your business exists, and then develop a plan to get that word out to the world.

If you don’t plan for success, you are preparing for failure.

How do I start?

This life-changing 4-week program begins with a 30 minute call with me, or one of my trained business communication coaches. Then, over the next 3 weeks you will be working hard on your “homework”, where you will be learning about your customers, your business, and maybe even yourself.

Then the program wraps up with another 30 minute call, in which we will refine, distill, and finalize your new Golden Bullet Marketing program. 

Now’s your chance to make the change.


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Instructors: Peter Price, Amber Willis, Samuel White


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Livestream Lessons

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Dancing Levels Guide


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam